Introduction to DB and SQL

Introduction to DB

A structured set of data, organized to provide efficient retrieval.
A DB should be able to serve multiple users (clients) simultaneously.
A DB should be used for more than one task.

DB Historical Milestones

Early 1960s - Integrated Data Store (Charles Bachman, General Electric)
Late 1960s - Information Management System (IBM)
forms the bases of the hierarchical data model
In 1970 - Edgar Codd at IBM proposes the relational data model
In 1980s - the SQL was developed as part of IBM’s System R project.

MySQL Historical Milestones

1994 - the MySQL first internal release, created by Michael Widenius and David Axmark
1995 - MySQL AB company is founded, by the creators of MySQL DB.
2008 - Sun Microsystems acquires MySQL AB for approximately 1 billion dollars.
2010 - Oracle Corporation acquires Sun Microsystems and thus - MySQL AB.

DB Evolution.

Data warehouse
Logical collection of information gathered from operational databases.
Supports business analysis activities and decision making tasks.
Data mart
Subset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehouse information is kept.
Conceptual representation of world that consists of a set of types, properties, and relationship types.

Advantages of a DBMS compared to files system storage

Data independence
Efficient data access
Data integrity and security
Centralized data administration
Concurrent access and crash recovery
Reduced application development time

Data Models


A data model is a collection of high-level data description constructs that hide many low-level storage details.

Hierarchical database model

Each child have only one parent.

Network database model

A child can have multiple parents.

Relational database model

The central construct is a relation(table), which can be thought of as a set of tuples (rows) which shares common attributes(columns) .

Object-oriented database model

Object-oriented database model

Ease the modelling of complex data structures with many-to-many relationships, by inheritance, data encapsulation

Document database model

Document databases store data in objects that can be deeply nested and can consist of arbitrary fields.

The Relational Model


A database is a collection of one or more tables, where each tables is a relation between rows and columns.
A relation consists of a relation schema and a relation instance.
Relation instance - a table with rows and columns.
Relation schema - describes the column heads for the table.

Popular Relationship Database Management System (RDBMS)

Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SAP SyBase
Free (under GPL)
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite

Key Concepts

Relational DataBase
A collection of tables, with related data.
Tables - represents a Relation.
Table and relations are synonymous in DB context.
A relation is different from relationship.
A table consists of rows and columns, like a simple spreadsheet.
Each table is a set of unique rows.
Row (Tuple, Record)
Represents a collection of related values (characteristic) of an entity.
Column (field)
One column contains data of one and the same type, as defined in schema.

Tables Relationships

One to one relationship
Example: Customer -> Address
One to Many/Many to One relationship
Example: Customer -> Orders
Many to Many relationship
Examples: Orders -> Items
Self Referencing relationship
Customer -> Customer (like in referral program)

Example Table



Employees Sample Database
Install (CLI)

    mysql -u root -p < employees.sql
Install (MySQL Workbench)
File => Run SQL Script... => Navigate and select 'employees.sql'
Leave empty field for 'Default Schema Name' and 'Default Character Set'
Press 'Run' and wait the script to executes and load all data.
Refresh the 'SCHEMAS' panel.

SQL Introduction

What is SQL?

The standard language for relational database management systems.
Not a procedural language(C, Java etc.).
A declarative language!
Tell with SQL what you want instead of telling the system how to get it.
Case insensitive!

SQL statements

A set of commands you use to query or manipulate the DB.
Some RDBMS require a semicolon at the end of each SQL statement.

Example SQL commands