Client-Server Communications on HTTP

Client-Server Communications on HTTP

HTTP protocol overview

HTTP protocol overview

in brief

HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTP is a request-response protocol.
the client sends a request message to the server
the server returns a response message

message format

each message consists of two parts:
Header - information about the message
Body - message content

Request Message Format

Request Message Format

Request Line

			request-method-name request-URI HTTP-version
request-method: defines how to send the request (GET, POST, HEAD etc)
request-URI: the URI of the resource requested
HTTP-version: latest version is HTTP/2

			GET /search?q=apple HTTP/1.1
			HEAD /query.html HTTP/1.1
			POST /index.html HTTP/1.1

Request Headers

			field-name: field-value1[, field-value2, ...]

The request-header fields allow the client to pass additional information about the request, and about the client itself, to the server

			Host: google.com
			User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
			Accept: */*
			cache-control: no-cache
			cookie: OGPC=19022519-1:; OGP=-19022519:; OTZ=5933950_44_48_123900_44_436380;

Request Body


Response Message Format

Response Message Format

Status Line

			HTTP-version status-code reason-phrase
HTTP-version: The HTTP version used in this session.
status-code: a 3-digit number generated by the server to reflect the outcome of the request
reason-phrase: gives a short explanation to the status code.

			HTTP/1.1 200 OK
			HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
			HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

List of HTTP status codes

Response Headers

			field-name: field-value1[, field-value2, ...]

			HTTP/1.1 200 OK
			Server: nginx
			Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 14:05:01 GMT
			Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
			Connection: keep-alive
			Keep-Alive: timeout=20
			X-Pingback: http://www.javelingroup.com/xmlrpc.php
			Link: ; rel="https://api.w.org/"
			Link: ; rel=shortlink
			X-Cacheable: SHORT
			Vary: Accept-Encoding,Cookie
			Cache-Control: max-age=600, must-revalidate
			X-Cache: HIT: 4
			X-Cache-Group: normal
			X-Type: default


Response Body

The response message body contains the resource data requested

HTTP Request Methods

HTTP Request Methods

HTTP protocol defines a set of request methods, which a client can use to request a server resource.

The "GET" Request Method

GET requests should be used only to retrieve data, and not to change the server state
GET requests should NEVER be used with sensitive data
GET requests have length restrictions
GET requests can be cached
GET requests remain in the browser history
GET requests can be bookmarked
The query string is sent in the URL


The "POST" Request Method

POST request method is used to sent data to the server, like customer information, file upload etc.
POST request should change the server state
the query string will be sent in the body of the request message
the request headers Content-Type and Content-Length are used to notify the server the type and the length of the query string
POST requests are never cached
POST requests do not remain in the browser history
POST requests cannot be bookmarked
POST requests have no restrictions on data length

Other HTTP Request Methods

Replaces all current representations of the target resource with the uploaded content.
In other words, PUT is used to update the content on server
Deletes the specified resource
Same as GET, but transfers the status line and header section only. No document body is returned!
Ask the server to return the list of request methods it supports

Using HTTP Methods for RESTful Services

Using HTTP Methods for RESTful Services


RESTful (aka REST) services defines a way on how a resource can be accessed from the client and what will be done with that resource.
The standard operations on a resource are: Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD).
REST Services follow standardised HTTP methods for resource manipulation (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.)

Mapping REST methods to CRUD operations

HTTP Method CRUD operation

What is AJAX?

What is AJAX?






In reality, these days, the use of JSON prevails over XML, but for backward compatibility we do not say AJAJ


With AJAX, Web applications can send and retrieve data from a Web server asynchronously (in the background) without refreshing the existent page

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Processes

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Requests

What can we do with AJAX

Update a web page without reloading the page
Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
Send data to a server - in the background

Conventional vs AJAX model of Web Application

What's behind AJAX?

AJAX is just the name for combination of technologies:
the use of the built-in XMLHttpRequest object (aka XHR Object) to request data from a web server
the use of JavaScript and HTML DOM (to display the data)

the XMLHttpRequest object

the XMLHttpRequest object

Note: sending Ajax Requests using XMLHttpRequest object directly is not recommended, as it is hard to imeplement and read. The preferred way is using the Fetch API, discussed in next slides
Reference: XMLHttpRequest @MDN
Reference: Asynchronous JavaScript: Choosing the right approach @MDN

Simple example

After clicking the Get data button, the data will be fetched and loaded in div.output
Note, that the whole page will not be refreshed


			let dom={
				output:  document.querySelector('.output'),
				getDataBtn: document.querySelector('.getDataBtn'),

			const dataURL = '/data/heyYouLirics.txt';

			let fetchDataByXHR = function(){
				// create a XMLHttpRequest object
				let xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() :
				new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

				// initializes the request:
				xhr.open("GET", dataURL);

				// EventHandler, that will be fired each time when the xhr state changes
				xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
					if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
						// finally do something with content:
						dom.output.innerHTML = this.responseText;

				// sends the request:

			dom.getDataBtn.addEventListener('click', function(){

the Fetch API

the Fetch API

The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources, similar to the XMLHttpRequest, but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.
Fetch APIs use the concept of promises in JavaScript
As Fetch APIs are "A modern replacement for XMLHttpRequest",but do think about the browser compatibility: caniuse.com: fetch

Fetch API basics

				.then(function (response){
					return response.text();
				.then(function (responseText){
					// do something with responseText
					nodes.output.innerHTML = responseText;
Reference: Fetch API at MDN

Fetch API with error checks

Fetch promises only reject with a TypeError (i.e. execute catch function) only when a network error occurs.
You'll need to throw an error yourself, if you want to use Promise#catch for 4xx and 5xx responses

				.then(function (response) {
					if( response.text){
						return response.text();
						throw new Error("No response.text")
				.then(function (responseText) {
					// renderHTML(responseText);
					nodes.output.innerHTML = responseText;
				.catch( function(error){
					console.error('Upss, an error occurred');

More on response interface

Response interface at MDN

Create HTTP request with jQuery

Create HTTP request with jQuery

jQuery - AJAX get() and post() Methods at w3schools jQuery AJAX Methods Reference at w3schools

simple get() example

					<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
				<button class="getDataBtn">Get data</button>
				<div class="output"></div>

				$.get(dataURL, function(data, status){
					// do something with data:

simple load() example

					<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
				<button class="getDataBtn">Get data</button>
				<div class="output"></div>


The JSON Format


What is JSON?

JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
A data-interchange format between software systems.
Language agnostic
Proposed by Douglas Crockford in early 2000s


Easy for humans (and the machines) to read and write
Minimalistic syntax (compared to other formats, like XML).
A strict subset of JavaScript syntax.
Well defined JSON Schema


				'fruits': ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'],


JSON Example

JSON data types

a signed decimal number that may contain a fractional part
a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, delimited by double quotation mark
either of the values true or false
an ordered list of zero or more values (may be of any type). Comma-separated elements in square brackets
an unordered collection of key:value pairs, separated by comma, delimited by curly braces. The keys must be strings.


				"userName": "Ada",
				"userAge": 24,
				"skills": [
					"HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript"
				"tasks": [
						"id": 1,
						"title":"Learn Sass",
						"completed": true
						"id": 1,
						"title":"Learn React",
						"completed": false

You can check your JSON online: jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com or use a VSCode extension.

Parse JSON (JSON to JS object)

JSON data just describes data. They are strings.
In order to use the data conveyed in a JSON string in our JS program, we must parse it's content to the corresponding JS data structure.
Reference: JSON.parse()

			var data = JSON.parse(jsonDataStr);

Stingify JSON (JS obj to JSON)

We can easily convey our JS data to other application, by converting it to a JSON string.
Reference: JSON.stringify()

			var jsonDataStr = JSON.stringify(obj);

Public APIs returning JSON

List of public APIs
Public APIs list on GitHub
The Internet Chuck Norris Database API
Open Trivia Database API
{JSON} Placeholder - Free fake API for testing and prototyping.

Client-Side vs Server-Side libraries and frameworks

Client-Side vs Server-Side Rendering libraries and frameworks

Ember - Client-Side rendering
Ember-Fastboot - Server-Side rendering
vue.js - Client-Side rendering
nuxt.js - Server-Side rendering for vue.js
React - it can render on the client-side and on the server-side
Angular - - Client-Side rendering
Angular Universal - Server-Side rendering




Mockaroo - A free test/random data generator and API mocking tool (JSON, CSV, SQL, and Excel)

Exercises && Tasks

Exercises && Tasks


Create a web page similar to the one given bellow, with your favorite artists and songs
For getting the lyrics data, use the three approaches for making AJAX requests:
by XMLHttpRequest object
by Fetch APIs
by jQuery get() or load() methods
You can use the files in songLyrics.zip to bootstrap your program.

TodoApp with jsonplaceholder API service

Refactor the TodoApp, so that data to be fetched from jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos endpoint
Use the FetchAPI to fetch the data

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
