JavaScript Overview

Historical overview in 10 minutes

Historical overview in 10 minutes


First Browser War

Brendan Eich created in 10 days a working prototype of JavaScript for the Netscape Navigator Web browser. The original name was Mocha, after renamed LiveScript and finally - JavaScript


JavaScript was standardized by ECMA-262 Standard under the name ECMAScript

1999 - 2005

The Dark Ages

The only sparks are the joint endeavors which led to ActionScript, used in Adobe Flash Player platform.


Douglas Crockford introduced the JSON format


The Renaissance

Jesse James Garrett coins the term Ajax in his seminal paper Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

А bloom of JS open source projects and communities started: Prototype, jQuery, MooTools and many others


The JavaScript engine race starts

Initial release of Google's V8 (JavaScript engine). Used in many server-side JavaScript based projects


Released with Firefox 3.5, the TraceMonkey JavaScript engine was the first JIT compiler.
ECMAScript 5 (ES5) standardized.
Transpilers (source-to-source compilers) bloom starts.


initial release of Node.js


AngularJS initial release.


Microsoft's TypeScript released


React.js initial release


Vue.js initial release


WebComponents Standard


EcmaScript 6 released


WebAssembly Web standard was introduced

Or briefly...

Let the creator of JavaScript speak about its history:

JavaScript standards: ES5, ES6,ES2018, ... ES.Next?

JavaScript standards: ES5, ES6,ES2018, ... ES.Next?

ECMAScript 5 (ES5), 2009 year

New Features:

Strict mode
Syntax: legal trailing commas; multiline string literals
Object data Accessors
New Functionality in the Standard Library
JSON support

ECMAScript 6 (ES6)/ ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) year

New Features:
After ES6, the convention is to name ECMAScript versions by their release year, i.e. ES2016, ES2017, ...


Refers to next versions of JavaScript
Proposals are published in tc39/proposals repo
Finished proposals can be checked here: tc39/finished-proposals


ECMAScript compatibility table

The difference between JavaScript and other OOP languages

The difference between JavaScript and other OOP languages


JavaScript is developed as a scripting language, which does not need to be compiled.

Contemporary JavaScript engines has compilation and optimization phases, but the developer does not need to carry about that.


The concept of class:
JavaScript: no class concept. Just a class keyword which is a syntactic sugar.
Classical OOP: have the concept of class as pure generalization.
types of abstraction:
JavaScript: one type of abstraction: the objects
Classic OOP: two types of abstractions: classes and objects.
prototype-based vs. class-based inheritance:
JavaScript: an object inherits from object.
Classic OOP: a class inherits from classes

Type system

JavaScript has dynamically typed system.

				var a;
				a = 5;
				a = "Howdy"; // no problem!
				a = [1,2,3]; // no problem, again!

Run time environment

The natural runtime environments for JavaScript are:
Any modern browser.
Over nodejs for various OS (Linux, macOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Microsoft Windows, etc.)

The object oriented nature of JavaScript: "everything is an object"?

The object oriented nature of JavaScript: "everything is an object"?

Data types and structures

Primitive types:
Symbol (new in ECMAScript 6)
Objects (Reference Data types):
Indexed collections: Arrays and typed Arrays
Keyed collections: Maps, Sets, WeakMaps, WeakSets

Primitive types

Primitive types are not objects!

			console.log(typeof null); // "object" - A BUG, see bellow!
			console.log(typeof true); // "boolean"
			console.log(typeof undefined); // "undefined"
			console.log(typeof 42); // "number"
			console.log(typeof 'howdy'); // "string"
			console.log(typeof Symbol()); // "symbol"

the 'typeof null' return "object" due to a bug in the first release in JavaScript 3

Primitives Boxing

The primitive types boolean, number, string and symbol have corresponding object types (wrappers): Boolean, Number, String and Symbol

Primitives do not have methods, but can borrow from their corresponding wrapper, when needed.

Primitives Boxing: Example

		console.log( 3.141592653589793.toFixed(4) );

		console.log( 'ada byron'.length );

		console.log( true.toString() );

Primitives Immutability

Immutability: entities whose state is not allowed to change over time
Immutability is a core principle in functional programming
All primitive types in JavaScript are immutable!

			var ada = 'Ada';
			console.log(ada); // 'Ada'

			ada.surname = 'Byron';
			console.log(ada.surname); // undefined


A collection of properties
Property values can be values of any type, including other objects
Properties are identified using key values
A key value is either a String or a Symbol value.


Objects are mutable!

			var ada = {};
			console.log(ada); //Object {}

			ada.surname = 'Byron';
			console.log(ada.surname); //Byron


Functions are objects that have an internal [[Call]] property
So, functions are mutable too!

			function foo(){} = 1
			console.log(; // 1

Indexed collections: Arrays and typed Arrays

Reference: Array Object @mdn
Reference: TypedArray Object @mdn


Arrays are objects

			let arr = ['a','b','c']; = 1;

			console.log(` ${}`);
			// 1

Keyed collections: Maps

Maps - the Map object holds key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys.

			let fruits = new Map();
			fruits.set('banana', 1);
			fruits.set('orange', 2);
			fruits.set('meat', 4);

			// Map { 'banana' => 1, 'orange' => 2, 'meat' => 4 }

Keyed collections: Sets

Set - the Set object is a collections of unique values.

			let arr = ['a','b','c', 'b','a','b','c'];

			let uniqueValuesSet = new Set(arr);

			//Set { 'a', 'b', 'c' }

Keyed collections: WeakMaps, WeakSets

Reference: WeakMap Object @mdn
Reference: WeakSet Object @mdn

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
