OOP Intro. Inheritance in JavaScript

OOP in a nutshell

OOP in a nutshell


A classic definition of Object Oriented Programming paradigm is the one given by Grady Booch (1991) Object-oriented design: With Applications. p. 35

A method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an instance of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via inheritance relationships

Basic OOP Concepts

An Object is a unique entity which contains properties (data, state) and methods (functions that work on that data)
A Class is a blueprint of an objects. A template for creating different objects of same type (i.e. same properties and methods).
Note that in JavaScript, there are no classes, and objects are created by object prototypes, not classes.
The idea of wrapping properties and methods within a single unit (an object).
A mechanism to derive class/object from another class/object. Inheritance is designed to centralize the common functionality of many different objects and thus to achieve code reuse.

More readings Object-oriented_JS @mdn


Real-World Modelling
Support and Maintenance
Structured (code for big systems)

Class-based vs. Prototype-based OOP paradigms

Class-based paradigm
Objects are instanses of classes
Classes inherit from classes
Classes are immutable
Prototype-based paradigm
Objects are instanses of objects
Objects inherit from objects
Objects are mutable

Note that JavaScript is a language which implements the Prototype-based OOP paradigm

OOP in JavaScript

Java JavaScript
Classes Functions
Constructors Functions
Methods Functions

Tables excerpt from Douglas Crockford's "Classical Inheritance in JavaScript"

Classical (class-based) Inheritance vs. Prototypal Inheritance - Overview

Classical (class-based) Inheritance vs. Prototypal Inheritance - Overview

Classical (class-based) Inheritance

Classes inherits from classes!
Objects are just instances of classes!

Classical (class-based) Inheritance

The inheritance is based on copies! I.e. when a child class inherits its parents members, they are actually copied to the child class.
The Cons?
Gorilla / Banana problem
Tight Coupling Problem
Duplication by Necessity Problem

Prototypal Inheritance

Objects inherits from objects!
There are no classes!

The inheritance is based on a prototype chain! As a result, each child will be able to access by reference its prototype.
Changing prototype definitions dynamically!

Object prototype

Object prototype


In JavaScript every object is build on the top of a prototype object, from which it inherits all properties and methods.

			var car = {};
			console.log('The car object: ');

The Object object (i.e. the object created by Object constructor) does not have prototype. You can think of it as the God of all objects.

the __proto__ property

By ECMAScript standard, every object has the [[Prototype]] property, which points to its prototype.
Most JavaScript engines gives direct access to the [[Prototype]] property by the special property __proto__.
From ES2015 the __proto__ property is part of the standard!

			var car = {};

			// Object

			// null

the prototype property

When a function is created, the JavaScript engine creates a new, empty object which is associated with that function object through the function prototype property.
The role of the prototype property will be discussed in next slides.

__proto__ vs. prototype

Do not mix the __proto__ with prototype properties
Every object has the __proto__ property.
Only function objets has the prototype property

Let's got deep - what's in a object?

Let's got deep - what's in a object?

at Object Literal

			var car = {};

at Constructor (what does it do?)

			var Car = function(){};
			var ford = new Car();
			var BMW = new Car();

at Factory

			var carFactory = function(){ return {} }
			var ford = carFactory();
			var BMW = carFactory();

Factory vs Constructor

			function CarConstructor(){};
				console.log(`Hello from CarConstructor.prototype`);

			function CarFactory(){ return {} };
				console.log(`Hello from CarFactory.prototype`);

			var constructedCar = new CarConstructor();
			var fabricatedCar = CarFactory();

			//Hello from CarConstructor.prototype

			//TypeError: fabricatedCar.sayHello is not a function

The Object.create() method


The Object.create() method creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

			Object.create( prototype_object [, propertiesObject] );
prototype_object - the prototype for the new object.
propertiesObject - an object, describing the properties for the newly created object. The syntax is like the props object in Object.defineProperties() method
return - new object with the specified prototype object and properties (if given ).


			var car = {
				sayHello:()=>console.log(`Hello, I'm car literal`),
			var ford = Object.create(car);
			// Hello, I'm car literal

			console.log(ford.__proto__ === car);
			// true


			var car = {
				drive : function(){
					console.log(`Driving with ${this.speed} km/h`);
				speed: 100, // a default value for all objects created by "car"

			var ford = Object.create(car, {
				speed: {
					value: 200,
					writable: false,

			// let's try to change the speed
			ford.speed = 300;
			console.log(`ford.speed: ${ford.speed}`);

Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

The Prototype Chain

Each JavaScript object has a prototype object (accessed by the __proto__ property.)
An object "inherits" - i.e. has access to all members of its prototype.
An object prototype is just an object, so it can also have prototype from which to inherit from.
This is known as the prototype chain!

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using '__proto__' - example

			// create 'car' object
			const car = {
				manufacturer: undefined,
				speed: 100,
				drive: function(){
					if (this.wings >= 2){
						console.log(`Flying with ${this.speed} km/h`);
						console.log(`Driving with ${this.speed} km/h`);

			// create the 'ford' object
			const ford = {
				manufacturer: "Ford",
				speed: 200,
				// make 'ford' to inherit from 'car'
				__proto__ : car,

			// create 'theFordOfPesho' object
			const theFordOfPesho = {
				wings: 2,
				speed: 300,
				// make 'theFordOfPesho' to inherit from 'ford'
				__proto__ : ford,

Be careful when using __proto__
Prototype_mutation on MDN
Do not use __proto__ outside of object literals!

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using '__proto__' - diagram

Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using Object.create() - example

			// create 'car' object
			const car = {
				manufacturer: undefined,
				speed: 100,
				drive: function(){
					if (this.wings >= 2){
						console.log(`Flying with ${this.speed} km/h`);
						console.log(`Driving with ${this.speed} km/h`);
			// create 'ford' and make it to inherit from 'car'
			const ford = Object.create( car, {
				manufacturer: {value: "Ford"},
				speed: {value: 200},

			// create 'theFordOfPesho' and make it to inherit from 'ford'
			const theFordOfPesho = Object.create(ford, {
				wings: {value: 2},
				speed: {value: 300},


Prototypal Inheritance of Object Literals using Object.create() - diagram

Yes, the diagram is identical with the one with '__proto__'
It's better and safe to use Object.create() aproach, instead of '__proto__'

Prototypal Inheritance of constructed objects

			// define Car Constructor:
			function Car() {
				this.manufacturer = undefined;
				this.speed = 100;
			Car.prototype.drive = function () {
				if (this.wings >= 2){
					console.log(`Flying with ${this.speed} km/h`);
					console.log(`Driving with ${this.speed} km/h`);
			// define Ford Constructor:
			function Ford(speed) {
				this.manufacturer = "Ford";
				this.speed = speed;
			// Make Ford objects to inherit from Car.prototype:
			Ford.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);

			// create a Ford object
			let ford = new Ford(200);

			// create another Ford object, and attach wings to it:
			let fordOfPesho = new Ford(300);
			fordOfPesho.wings = 2;

			// let's use the object:


Prototypal Inheritance with Class Syntax

Reference: Classes @MDN

Prototypal Inheritance with Class Syntax - examples

			// define Car Class:
			class Car{
					this.manufacturer = undefined;
					this.speed = speed;

				//using shorter syntax for method definitions:
					if (this.wings >= 2) {
						console.log(`Flying with ${this.speed} km/h`);
					} else {
						console.log(`Driving with ${this.speed} km/h`);

			// define Ford Class, which will inherits from Car:
			class Ford extends Car{
				constructor(speed) {
					// call the Parent Constructor first:
					this.manufacturer = "Ford";

			// create a Ford object
			let ford = new Ford(200);

			// create another Ford object, and attach wings to it:
			let fordOfPesho = new Ford(300);
			fordOfPesho.wings = 2;

			// let's use the object:







			// Animal constructor
			const Animal = function(name, food){
						this.name = name;
						this.food = food;
			// Animal methods
			Animal.prototype.eat = function(){
						console.log(`${this.name} is eating ${this.food}`);

			// Create a Cat Constructor, which will inherit all methods from Animal:
			// <<<<< your code start here
			const Cat = function (name, food) {
				// reuse parent constructor
			// inherit all parent's methods
			Cat.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
			// >>>>> your code ends here

			// create tom object:
			const tom = new Cat('Tom', 'cheese');

			// use tom:

			// expected output:
			// Tom is eating cheese

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
