Web Graphics and Animations with PixiJS

What is WebGL?

What is WebGL?


WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. (WebGL @wikipedia), like Adobe Flash Player.
WebGL is an API based on OpenGL ES 2.0 and allows a web page to perform 3D rendering in an HTML <canvas> element.
WebGL programs consist of control code written in JavaScript and special effects code that is executed on a computer's GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).
Creating astonishing animations with WebGl requires knowledge of 2D/3D Graphics and mathematics behind.
What can we do with WebGL? Check WebGL Samples

WebGL Application Structure


WebGL - simple demo

See the Pen basic 2D WebGL animation example by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.

PixiJS:introduction and setup

PixiJS:introduction and setup

What is Pixi.js

PixiJS is a rendering library which allows you to create rich, interactive graphics, cross platform applications, and games without having to dive into the WebGL APIs
Official docs
PixiJS Galery

Create your first PixiJS app with CDN

Get the latest pixi version from a CDN.
Include it in your HEAD section

Test pixi

				function testPixi() {
					let type = "WebGL"
							type = "canvas"



Pixi Basic concepts

Pixi Basic concepts


The PIXI.Application objects is the start point of our pixi app.
It initialize the area for aour PIXI animation
Reference: PIXI.Application

			// Create a Pixi Application Object
			let app = new PIXI.Application({width: 256, height: 256});

			// Let Pixi create a canvas attach it in the  HTML document

			// console.dir(app.view);

stage object

The stage object is the root container for all the visible things in our scene.
We put all of our sprites inside the stage and they will be rendered on the canvas
sprite is an image that we can control with code
the stage object is a PIXI.Container object
Reference: stage object
Reference: PIXI.Container


In computer graphics, a sprite is a two-dimensional bitmap that is integrated into a larger scene, most often in a 2D video game. ( Sprite @wikipedia )
A Sprite can be moved on-screen and otherwise manipulated as a single entity.
There are three main ways to create a Pixi Sprite object:
From a single image file.
From a sub-image on a tileset. A tileset is a single, big image that includes all the images you'll need in your game.
From a texture atlas (A JSON file that defines the size and position of an image on a tileset.)
After a sprite is created we must add it to the stage in order to see it!

Simplest Sprite - Example

			let catImagePath = "../../assets/images/Siberian_cat_patronus.png";

			// create sprite
			let sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(catImagePath);

			// add sprite to the stage


Before we can make a sprite, we need to convert an ordinary image file into a WebGL texture
A Texture stores the information that represents an image
Pixi uses a texture cache to store and reference all the textures your sprites will nee
For optimization and efficiency it’s always best to make a sprite from a texture that’s been pre-loaded into Pixi’s texture cache

loader object

Pixi loader object loads an image file and convert it into a texture


			function build() {
				//This callback will run when the loader has finished loading the image

loader object - example

			let catImagePath = "../../assets/images/Siberian_cat_patronus.png";


			function build() {
				// Create a new texture
				const texture = app.loader.resources.cat.texture;

				// create sprite
				let sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);

				// add the srite to the stage

ticker object

A ticker object is an animation loop that you can add callbacks to
Reference: PIXI.Ticker

			app.ticker.add(() => {
				// each frame we spin the cat around a bit
				sprite1.rotation += 0.01;

PixiJS Examples

PixiJS Examples

Self-Learning && Live Demo

Resources: pixijs.io/examples

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
