Bring Semantic to the Web

The Semantic Web! What? Why? When?

The Semantic Web! What? Why? When?

The Ultimate Goal

Machines that are able to understand human's queries and needs for information.
Two approaches:
Intelligent Search Engines (involves ML, NLP, AI)
The Semantic Web

What is the Semantic Web?

"Leaving aside the artificial intelligence problem of training machines to behave like people, the Semantic Web approach instead develops languages for expressing information in a machine processable form"
Semantic Web Road map by Tim Berners-Lee, 1998

What Semantic Web is Not?

"A Semantic Web is not Artificial Intelligence"
"Semantic Web only indicates a machine's ability to solve a well-defined problem by performing well-defined operations on existing well-defined data. Instead of asking machines to understand people's language, it involves asking people to make the extra effort"
What Semantic Web is Not (TBL, 1998)
The Semantic Web of Data (Tim Berners-Lee)

Semantic Web in today world

A W3C’s Standards
Google's Knowledge Vault
ex Knowledge Graph
Semantic Web SEO

HTML5 Semantic elements - the right usage and SEO considerations.

HTML5 Semantic elements - the right usage and SEO considerations.


Most of the elements defined in HTML5 are semantic
h1-h6, video, ul, input, option, select, etc.
I.e. elements are used according to their meaning, not because of the way they appear visually
But the Structural (Layout) elements: div and span are not.
HTML5 brings Semantic Structural Elements
Elements, that mark up the structure of the Web content using the appropriate semantic elements

Note about "custom elements"

HTML5 is a predefined, restricted set of HTML elements
Tags like: <person>, <developer>, ... will be ignored by the browsers.
But we can define our custom elements in the DOM
Custom Elements @whatwg
Custom Elements @w3c
Custom Elements are part of a bigger effort: the Web Components, which will be discussed in next lectures.
Reference: Web Components @MDN
Discuss: Custom (DOM) Elements vs HTML elements in the context of SEO


The HTML5 Semantic Elements and What They Mean For SEO
HTML5 Semantic Elements @w3schools

Data Attributes in HTML5.

Data Attributes in HTML5.


data-* attributes allow us to store extra information on regular, semantic HTML elements without other hacks such as non-standard attributes, extra properties on DOM, or Node.setUserData().
Shortly, they allows us to embed custom, non-visible data
Usually used with JS


			<tag data-something="value"></tag>

			<!-- or if we need a boolean data-attribute (i.e. 'on'/'off') -->
			<tag data-something></tag>
Where something must be:
at least 1 symbol
should not start with 'xml'
tt can contain only letters, numbers, dashes (-), periods (.), colons (:), and underscores (_). Any ASCII capital letters (A to Z) are ignored and converted to lowercase.
More on naming: data-* attributes @w3c
Every HTML element may have any number of data attributes specified, with any value.

			<li data-isbn="0385333498" data-book-id='1'>The Sirens of Titan</li>
			<li data-isbn="0141189347" data-book-id="2" data-selected>Cat's Cradle</li>


To replace the usage of HTML classes/id for storing data
The purpose of class/id attribute is for styling
We can put as many data-* attributes as we need
Easy access of the data-* values in JavaScript
Of course, we can use them for styling purposes, as well, using CSS Attribute Selectors

Example: data-* attributes with CSS pseudo-elements

See the Pen data-* attributes with pseudo-elements by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.

Styled Tooltips Using Psuedo Elements

Example from Styled Tooltips Using Psuedo Elements by CSS-Tricks Team (@css-tricks) on CodePen.

Access data-* attributes in JavaScript


			// read data-something value
			let valueSomething = element.dataset.something;

			// write to data-something value
			element.dataset.something = 'xyz'

			// read data-something-else value
			let valueSomethingElse = element.dataset.somethingElse;

			// write to data-something-else value
			element.dataset.somethingElse = 9;

Note, that when the part after data- prefix contains dashes it is converted to Camel Case and dashes are removed.

Example: Access data-* attributes in JavaScript

See the Pen read/write data-* attributes by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.

Example: Access data-* attributes in JavaScript

See the Pen Access data-* with JS by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.


Using data attributes @MDN
HTMLElement.dataset @MDN
HTML data-* Attributes @w3schools


Task - Restaurant Menu

Task - Restaurant Menu

Implement the simple menu ordering page, as given in the gif bellow
Try to improve the User Experience.

Task - Simple Playlist

Task - Simple Playlist

Imagine, you have to code a simple music player
For now, we are only interested in next UI components:
Genre Selection Radio Buttons
Playlist (Track list)
Note that the playlist will consist of tracks from different genres!
Each track is associated with a genre using the data-genre attribute.
No fancy CSS, yet. Just the mains
A screenshot of the initial view:
But you'll have to use different colors for each genre!
A screenshot of the initial view, when hover on a track:
Your main task will be to implement the "filter by genre" functionality
For instance, if the user have checked the "Rock" radio button, only the tracks assosiated with this genre should be listed
A screenshot of "filter by Rock"
A screenshot of "filter by New Wave"

Advanced Task

You can attach a data-track_lenght attribute for each track.
And display the total play time of the current tracks

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
