the "this" context

the "this" in global context (non-function context)

the "this" in global context (non-function context)

this ≅ global object
in Browsers: Window
in Node:global
Note, that in nodejs, the top-level scope is not the global scope. Ref: nodejs#globals_global. Each JS file is treated as a module.

the "this" in function call context

the "this" in function call context

this depends on how a function is invoked!
different ways of function invocation:
as a function
as a method
as a constructor
with apply or call or bind

Invoke as a function

in non Strict Mode

this ≅ global object
in Browsers: Window
in Node:global

            function f(){
                console.log( "this in function call:", this );

            // Window

in Strict Mode

this = undefined

            "use strict";
            function f(){
                console.log( "this in strict function call:", this );

            // undefined

more on Strict Mode: MDN JavaScript Reference

Invoke as a method

this = the object the method is called on

            var obj = {
                foo: function(){
                    console.log(`this = ${this}`);

            // this = [object Object]

In static (class) methods

In static methods, this refers to the class itself. Not to the object being created.
Note, that you can not invoke a static method from an object.
Reference: Classes/static @mdn


            class A{
                    console.log(`This in method: ${this}`);
                static staticMethod(){
                    console.log(`This in static method: ${this}`);

            let obj = new A();


Invoke as a Constructor

this = the object being constructed

            function Constructor(id){
       = id;
                console.log(`this = ${this}`);
                // this = [object Object]

            var obj1 = new Constructor(1);

This in function call - cheatsheet


The "this" Pitfall and "that" Solution

The "this" Pitfall and "that" Solution

the problem

the "that" solution

Function invocation with apply()

The apply() method calls a function with a given this value, and arguments provided as an array

            func.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])
the this value inside function func will be equal to the object passed by thisArg argument

            const maria = {name: "Maria", age:18};

            function update(name, age){
       = name;
                this.age = age;

            console.log("maria before", maria);
            update.apply(maria, ["Maria Ivanova", 23]);
            console.log("maria after", maria);

Function invocation call()

The call() method calls a function with a given this value, and arguments provided individually (comma separated)

  , arg1, arg2, ...)
the this value inside function func will be equal to the object passed by thisArg argument

            const maria = {name: "Maria", age:18};
            function update(name, age){
       = name;
                this.age = age;

            mariaNewRecord = ["Maria Ivanova", 23];

            console.log("maria before", maria);
            update.apply(maria, mariaNewRecord );
            console.log("maria after", maria);

Create new function with bind()

The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.
the this value inside function func will be equal to the object passed by thisArg argument

            func.bind(thisArg[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])

            const maria = {name: "Maria", age:18};
            function update(name, age){
       = name;
                this.age = age;

            console.log("maria before", maria);
            var updateMaria = update.bind(maria,"Maria Ivanova", 23);

            console.log("maria after", maria);

"this" in addEventListener callback

"this" in addEventListener callback

"this" in addEventListener handler is the object on which the event is fired



"this" in setTimeout/setInterval callback

"this" in setTimeout/setInterval callback

"this" in setTimeout/setInterval handler is the Window object





Task1: Execute callback after 2 seconds ('this' problem)

See the Pen Task1: Execute callback after 2 seconds ('this' problem) by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.

Task2: Fix the bug ('this' problem)

See the Pen Task:Fix the bug ('this' problem) by Iva Popova (@webdesigncourse) on CodePen.

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
