Functions and Function Expressions

Defining Functions

Defining Functions

Function declaration vs Function Expression

Function declaration (statement):

                function add(x,y){
                    return x+y
Semicolons are note required after function declaration. But there will be no problem if you put one.
Function expression:

                const add = function(x,y){
                    return x+y
usually (depending on context), semicolons are required after function expression as with any expression. A best (and safer) practice is to put the semicolons after function expression.
function name can be omitted in function expressions to create anonymous functions

                // an anonymous function is passed as the first argument to setTimeout()
                setTimeout(function() {
                  console.log("This message is shown after 3 seconds.");
                }, 3000);

Function expression: do not rely on ASI - Example

Next code throws an error: "TypeError: foo is not a function"

                let a,b;
                const foo = function () {
                }   // Missing semicolon here

                [a,b] = [4,3];

Next code works as expected:

                let a,b;
                const foo = function () {
                };  // Semicolon added here

                [a,b] = [4,3];

Remember, a best practise is to put semicolons manually to separate statements and expressions, instead of relying on Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI)

Function expression: named function

A function name can be given in function expression. But the function name is scoped to function body!
Using a named function in expression is useful for debugging purposes.

            const foo = function add(x,y){
                return x+y

            console.log("foo(2,3):", foo(2,3)); // foo(2,3):5
            console.log("add(2,3):", add(2,3)); // ReferenceError: add is not defined

Function Expression vs. Function Declaration

Function declarations are hoisted
Function expressions are not hoisted

Function Constructor

Another way to define a function is by Function Constructor.

                const greet = new Function('userName',

In practise, you'll never have to use directly Function Constructor, but only when you need to dynamically create a function.
Functions defined by Function Constructor are parsed each time the constructor is called.
Functions defined by Function Expressions and Function Declarations are parsed only once.
Reference: Function Constructor@MDN

Immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFE)

Immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFE)


When a function will be used only once (usually - to create a local scope), we do not need to define it first.It's more efficient to invoke it as an anonymous function.
The need for IIFE, an anonymous function which must be executed immediately, is usually when a library is created in order not to pollute the global namespace.

How to create an IIFE

                ( function(){} )();
function(){} is an anonymous function declaration!
( function(){} ) is an anonymous function expression (everything in () is executed as expression ).
We can only invoke a function expressions.

                    console.log( x+y );
is the same as:

                    console.log( x+y );

Functions as first-class citizens

Functions as first-class citizens

From its creation back in 1995, JavaScript supports functions as first-class citizens (objects)
Which simply means that:
A function can be treated as object, expression or statement.
A function can be passed as argument to other functions.
A function can be the return value of the return operator.

"Callback Function"

A function which is passed as argument to another function usually is called callback function
Reference: Callback function

            function caller(f) {
                // f is a "callback function"

            function foo(){


Callback Function - Example

setTimeout expects a callback function as first argument

            const greeting = function(){

            setTimeout(greeting, 2000);

Callback Function - Example

addEventListener expects a callback function as second argument
Note, that usually callback functions are anonymous

            window.addEventListener('load', function(event){
                console.log('The page is fully loaded');

Function as return value

A function can be returned from another function

            // greeting function returns a function
            const greeting = function(name){
                return function(){
                    alert("Welcome, "+ name);

            setTimeout(greeting("Ada"), 2000);

Function as return value - example


            const sum = function(x){
                return function(y){
                    return x+y;
            console.log( "sum:", sum(2)(3) );

First-Class Functions: Pros and Cons

The new (ES6) arrow functions syntax (discussed in next lectures) make JavaScript a language suited for lamdba-calculus (functional programming paradigm)
Not intuitive for persons used with classical procedural languages.


Recap Scope

What is Scope?

Scope is the context in which values and expressions are "visible," or can be referenced
Global Scope
Variables defined outside of any function, block, or module scope are in the global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the code.
Local (Function) Scope
Each function in JavaScript creates its own scope. Variables defined within a function are accessible only within that function, illustrating local scope.
A new local scope is created on every function execution
Scopes can be layered in a hierarchy, allowing child scopes access to parent scopes, but not vice versa
Inner Scope can use the names in Outer Scope
Outer Scope can not see the names defined in Inner Scope
If same name is defined in both Scopes, then the Inner Scope name shadows the Outer Scope name

Execution Context

Execution Context

An execution context in JavaScript is the environment in which JavaScript code is evaluated and executed
Whenever any code runs in JavaScript, it runs inside an execution context that provides the variables, objects, and functions available for use
Each time a function is executed, it creates a new execution context, which includes a local scope for that execution
This means that all local variables (including parameters) are specific to that execution instance
If the function is called multiple times, each call creates its own local scope, independent of other executions, ensuring variables defined in one call do not interfere with those in another.



What is?

A closure is a feature in JavaScript allowing a function which is executed outside its lexical scope, to preserve the values of scoped variables.
Closure is observed when a function uses variable(s) from outer scope(s) even while running in a scope where those variable(s) wouldn't be accessible.
A closure is formed when a function is declared, allowing it to capture and remember the environment in which it was created, including any variables it has access to at that time.
In essence, the function within the closure "remembers" the environment in which it was created.

            function outer(){
                let x = 5;
                function inner(){

                return inner;

            let f = outer();
            f(); // f can access the value of local x !

Common problem: "closures in loops"

            var cats = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                cats[i] = function(){
                    console.log(`Cat ${i} is ready!`);

            cats[0](); //Cat 3 is ready!
            cats[1](); //Cat 3 is ready!
            cats[2](); //Cat 3 is ready!
The function inside the loop is created within the scope of the loop. It captures (or closes over) the variable i from its outer scope, which is the loop. However, because i is global variable, the function does not capture the value of i, but a reference to the variable i itself.
So, each function created in the loop retains access to the same i variable - the global variable i.
When we execute the functions, after the loop is finished, the value of i is 3, that's why all of the functions logs 3
But if i was local or block scoped, each function created in the loop would have access to its own copy of i at the time the function was defined. As a result, the functions would log the intended values (0, 1, 2) instead of 3, preserving the state of i for each iteration independently.

"closures in loops" - let solution

Using let for the loop variable i creates a unique block scope for each iteration, allowing each closure to capture and remember its own version of i with values 0, 1,and 2 respectively.

            var cats = [];

            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                cats[i] = function(){
                    console.log(`Cat ${i} is ready!`);

            cats[0](); //Cat 3 is ready!
            cats[1](); //Cat 3 is ready!
            cats[2](); //Cat 3 is ready!

"closures in loops" - IIFE solution

Within each iteration, an IIFE is used. This function is invoked immediately after its definition, encapsulating the current i value.
The IIFE takes the current value of i as an argument,passing it to j, creating a new scope for each iteration of the loop

            var cats = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    cats[j] = function(){
                        console.log(`Cat ${j} is ready!`);

            cats[0](); //Cat 0 is ready!
            cats[1](); //Cat 1 is ready!
            cats[2](); //Cat 2 is ready!

"closures in loops" - Factory solution

The "factory solution" for handling closures in loops involves creating a function that returns another function, effectively creating a closure for each iteration of the loop

            var cats = [];

            function catMaker(i){
                return function(){
                    console.log(`Cat ${i} is ready!`);

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                cats[i] = catMaker(i);

            cats[0](); //Cat 0 is ready!
            cats[1](); //Cat 1 is ready!
            cats[2](); //Cat 2 is ready!

TASK: "closures in loops - timeout Problem"

The intended behavior of the provided code is to change the background color of the to each color specified in the colors array ("red", "green", "blue") in sequence, with each color change happening 1 second apart
You task is to fix the bug
the easiest solution is to make i block scoped, declaring it with let, but for the sake of practice imagine that you are writing a library which must works on ES5 (and let is introduced in ES6)


            var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
            var box = document.querySelector('.box');

            function changeBG(color){
       = color;

            for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
                    changeBG( colors[i] );
                }, 1000*i)




You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures by Kyle Simpson



A recursive function is a function which calls itself (directly or indirectly)
Each call creates a separate function stack (space in memory)!
Recursion can be endless if we do not take care when it has to stop!

Function Call Stack

Function call stack (or just "the call stack" or "the stack") is a place in RAM which is created for maintaining the local variables and parameters during function execution
After the function finish its job, i.e. returns to the calling function, the stack is removed.

Calculate Factorial - definition

In mathematics, the factorial of a positive integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n
Reference: Factorial @wikipedia

Calculate Factorial - Iterative Solution

            function factorielIter(n) {
                let res = 1;

                for(let i = 1; i<=n; i++){
                    res *= i;

                return res;


Calculate Factorial - Recursive Solution

            function factorial(n){
                if (n === 1) {
                    // f(1) = 1 => the END condition
                    return 1;
                }else {
                    // f(n) = n * f(n-1)
                    return (n * factorial(n - 1));

            console.log( factorial(3) );

Calculate Factorial - Recursive Solution - Diagram

Recursive Power Calculation

            function power(base, exponent) {
                if (exponent == 0)
                    return 1;
                    return base * power(base, exponent - 1);

            console.log(power(2, 10));
Can you think of iterative solution?

Traversing the DOM - example


Simple Counter (DOM)

Simple Counter (DOM)

The task is given in next gist file
You can copy it and work directly on it. Just put your code under "### Your code here".

Simple Counter (DOM)

Vaious tasks on functions

The tasks are given in next gist file
You can copy it and work directly on it. Just put your code under "### Your code here".

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
