
PyQT Overview and Set Up

PyQT Overview and Set Up

What is PyQT?

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for Qt application framework for building traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) desktop applications
Qt (pronounced "cute") framework is a widget toolkit for creating GUIs as well as cross-platform applications that run on various software and hardware platforms such as Linux, Windows, macOS, Android or embedded systems with little or no change in the underlying codebase while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed. [Reference: Qt @wikipediq]
Qt includes powerful features for networking, threads, regular expressions, SQL databases, SVG, OpenGL, XML, and many other
As PyQt alternatives for building GUIs in Python, there are Tkinter, wxPython, PySide2
PyQt is available several versions.
PyQt4: no longer supported and no new releases will be made.
PyQt5: official docs.
PyQt6: official docs (this is the version which will be used in the course)
Differences Between PyQt5 and PyQt6

PyQt6 Installation

As python package from PyQt6 Project which will install the GPL version of PyQt6 (the recommended way)

				# on activated virtual environment:
				pip install PyQt6

				# check install info:
				pip show PyQt6
Reference: Installing PyQt6

Test the installation

Create the file and run it.

			import sys

			from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication,QWidget

			app = QApplication(sys.argv)

			window = QWidget()
			window.setWindowTitle('PyQt6 App Works')
			window.setGeometry(100, 100, 500, 500)

Test the installation

You should see a window like:

Qt Tools: QtDesigner

QtDesigner is a Qt tool that provides a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) user interface which speeds the creation of GUIs for PyQt applications
QtDesigner creates .ui files (which contains an XML description of the GUI).
I.e., QtDesigner is platform and programming language independent.
Reference: Qt Designer Manual

QtDesigner Installation

Qt Designer normally ships as a part of Qt Creator. This is Qt's official editor and lets you do a lot more than just graphically design user interfaces. It is a full-fledged and very powerful C++ IDE. But For PyQT development you don't need the whole Qt Creator (which is huge).
You can install only the Qt Designer in two ways:

As python package: pyqt6-tools (the recommended way):
Note, that pyqt6-tools doesn't support Python 3.10 yet

				# make sure you're on activated virtual environment:
				pip install pyqt6-tools

				# check install info:
				pip show pyqt6-tools
Or as standalone application for Windows/MacOS (use it only if you have problems with python packages):
Install Qt Designer on Windows or Mac

QtDesigner - "HelloWorld" GUI

Start QtDesigner:
If you installed QtDesigner as Python package, just write in your activated virt. environment

				pyqt6-tools designer
If you have installed the QtDesigner as standalone app, you should have an icon for it
Now you can create your first "HelloWorld" app GUI:

Qt Tools: pyuic

PyUIC (Python User Interface Compiler) is a Qt user interface compiler for Python
The pyuic reads a user interface definition file (.ui) in XML as generated by Qt Designer and creates corresponding Python class
Reference: pyuic6
Note, that pyuic6 is included in the PyQt6-tools, so you do not need to install it. Just use it.
Let's compile our .ui file created by QtDesigner into Python code:

			pyuic6 helloWorld.ui -o

Using PyQt with VSCode - Optional Topic

Using PyQt with VSCode - Optional Topic

VSCode have many extensions which facilitates the work with PyQt. You can check:
PYQT Integration - an extension help you coding PYQT form in vsocde. Support ".ui", ".qrc", ".pro", ".ts" files.

Setup PyCharm for PyQt6 - Optional Topic

Setup PyCharm for PyQt6 - Optional Topic

PyCharm - Basic Configuration

Create/open a new project
Make sure you have installed the needed project dependencies:
You need PyQt6, PyQt6-sip and PyQt6-tools

PyCharm - add missing dependencies

You need to perform next steps only if you don't have PyQt6, PyQt6-sip and PyQt6-tools packages

In Project Interpreter interface click the + and install PyQt6, PyQt6-sip, PyQt6-tools

PyCharm - Configure StartQtDesigner Tool

From File => Settings => Tools => External Tools click the + button
Create StartQtDesigner Tool with next settings:

Now you can start QtDesigner from PyCharm

PyCharm - Configure OpenWithQtDesigner Tool

From File => Settings => Tools => External Tools click the + button
Create OpenWithQtDesigner Tool with next settings:

Now you can open and edit a ui file with QtDesigner

PyCharm - Configure PyUIC

Program: Select python3 interpreter from your virtual environment:
Arguments: -m PyQt6.uic.pyuic $FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.py
Working directory: $FileDir$


External tools

Build your Qt App

Build your Qt App

You can use your ui, converted to py class in your python app

			import sys

			from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
				QApplication, QMainWindow

			from helloWorld import Ui_MainWindow

			class Window(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
				def __init__(self, parent=None):

			if __name__ == "__main__":
				app = QApplication(sys.argv)
				win = Window()

QtDesigner Hands on

QtDesigner Hands on

GUI templates

Template Form Type Widgets Base Class
Dialog with Buttons Bottom Dialog OK and Cancel buttons laid out horizontally on the bottom-right corner QDialog
Dialog with Buttons Right Dialog OK and Cancel buttons laid out vertically on the top-right corner QDialog
Dialog without Buttons Dialog No QDialog
Main Window Main Window A menu bar at the top and a status bar at the bottom QMainWindow
Widget Widget No QWidget

Qt Designer's Widget Box

The widget box provides a selection of standard Qt widgets, layouts, and other objects that can be used to create user interfaces on forms.
You can add objects to a form by dragging the appropriate items from the widget box onto the form, and dropping them in the required locations.

References && Self-Learning

References && Self-Learning

Official Docs

The Qt team maintains a thorough documentation, as well as user guides, tutorials, etc. for working wit QtDesigner

Getting to Know Qt Designer
A Quick Start to Qt Designer
The full manual: Qt Designer Manual

QtDesigner Layouts

Using Layouts in Qt Designer



Task1: My_First_GUI_App

Create a simple GUI like the one shown bellow.
Use the Qt Designer and save the file as my_first_GUI.ui
Convert the generated my_first_GUI.ui file to python code, using the pyuic6 tool
Create your Python app file: which will start a Qt App and shows the GUI created by you with QtDesigner.

Task2: Appointment Details Tasks

Try to make an app, which will have the widgets given on next picture:
