Iterators and Generators in Python




iterate means to repeat something several times
exactly what we've done in loops.
We can iterate over objects, too. If we implement the __iter__ method.
What an iter method should do, is defined in "The Iterator Protocol" - a concept, present in most modern programming languages.

iterable and the __iter__ method

an object, implementing the __iter__ method is called itarable
The __iter__ method returns an iterator.
iterator is any object with a method called __next__, which is callable without any arguments.
The iterator protocol is changed a bit in Python 3. In the old protocol, iterator objects should have a method called next rather than __next__

iterator and __next__ method

an object, implementing the __next__ method is called iterator
When __next__ method is called, the iterator should return its "next value".
If the iterator has no more values to return, it should raise a StopIteration exception
There is a built-in function called next, wrapping around __next__ that you can use for convenience.
next(it) is equivalent to it.__next__()

Get iterator from iterable

The built-in function iter() can be used to get an iterator from an iterable object.

			iterable = [1,2,3]
			iterator = iter(iterable)

			print( next(iterator) )
			print( next(iterator) )
			print( next(iterator) )



			class Fibs:
			  def __init__(self, limit):
			    self.a = 0
			    self.b = 1
			    self.limit = limit
			  def __next__(self):
			    self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b
			    if ( self.a < self.limit):
			      return self.a
			      raise StopIteration
			  def __iter__(self):
			    return self

			fib_numbers = FibsIterable(30)

			for i in fib_numbers:
			  print( i )


Iterator Types @Python3 docs




A generator is a kind of iterator that is defined with normal function syntax
Or more formally: a Python generator is a function which returns a generator iterator by calling yield
Any function that contains a yield statement can be called a generator!

Making a Generator

Creating generator is like creating a normal function, but using yield instead of return
Once the function yields, the function is paused and the control is transferred to the caller.

			def simple_generator():
			  yield 1

Example - even numbers generator

			#define the generator function:
			def numbers_generator(start,end):
			  num  = start
			  while num<=end:
			  	# yield is almost like return, but it freezes the execution
			  	yield num
			  	num += 1
			my_numbers = numbers_generator(1,10)
			# iterate over our generator:
			for i in my_numbers:

Example - nested list flatten generator

			nested = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]

			def flatten(nested):
			  for sublist in nested:
			    for element in sublist:
			      yield element

			print( list(flatten(nested)) )


Generators @python wiki


Task1: Even Numbers generator

The Task

Write a generator function, such that will yield an even number in pre-given interval

			def even_numbers_generator(start,end):
			  # write your code here
			for i in even_numbers_generator(1,10):

			### expected result

Cyrillic letter generator

The Task

Define a generator function which will yield a Cyrillic letter, starting from 'А', to 'Я'
You can get a letter form its code, using the chr() built-in function, as shown in next example

			print( chr(1040) )
			# 'А''

			print( chr(1041) )
			# 'Б'

			print( chr(1070) )
			# 'Ю'
			print( chr(1071) )
			# 'Я'


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