Programming in Python


Syllabus: ( Show sub-themes Hide sub-themes )

  1. Introduction4

    1. Course intro.
    2. What's the use of Python?
    3. Python distributions.
    4. Install and setting up Python (on Windows, Mac, Linux).
    5. Write first Python script (using IDLE).
    6. Python IDEs and text editors.
    7. Write Python in VS Code
    8. What's in a program?
  2. Installing Python Packages - the safe way2

    1. PIP - the Python Package Manager
    2. Python Virtual Environments with Pipenv
    3. pipenv - example: simple_plot with matplotlib
    4. pipenv with VS Code
  3. Strings and Numbers in Python. Simple Expressions. Variables. Comments.4

    1. Numeric Types: integers, floating point numbers, and complex numbers.
    2. Python arithmetic.
    3. Strings. Common operations.
    4. Variables and naming conventions.
    5. How to comment our code?
    6. Exercises.
  4. Basic IO and string formatting2

    1. Basic IO.
    2. Formatted strings.
  5. Logical Expressions and Conditional Statements4

    1. Boolean type.
    2. Logical operators.
    3. if:elif:else statements.
    4. Exercises
  6. Loops in Python4

    1. while/do loops.
    2. for loops.
    3. break, continue.
  7. Basic data structures - Sequence Types4

    1. Lists
    2. Tuples
    3. Range Objects
    4. Strings as sequence
  8. More Data Types: Dictionaries and Sets4

    1. Dictionaries
    2. Operations with Dictionaries
    3. Sets
    4. Set Operations
  9. Functions4

    1. What are Functions?
    2. Function Definition
    3. Function Call
    4. Function Parameters (positional, keywords)
    5. Arguments unpacking - the ** operator
    6. Function Return Values
    7. Variables Scope
  10. Exceptions: raising and handling2

    1. What are Exceptions
    2. Exceptions Handling
    3. Handling different Exception Types
    4. Raising Exceptions
  11. Functional programming in Python2

    1. decorators.
    2. map/filter/reduce.
    3. lambda expressions.
  12. OOP in Python6

    1. Object-oriented Programming Paradigm
    2. OOP - Main Concepts.
    3. Classes and Objects in Python.
    4. Attributes and Methods
    5. Class Constructor
    6. Magic (dunder) methods
    7. Encapsulation
  13. Iterators and Generators in Python2

  14. Organizing code: more on modules and packages2

    1. Creating a custom Python modules
    2. Import module
    3. Module alias
    4. Import object from module
    5. Where import looks for a module?
    6. Relative import
    7. Python's built-in and third-party modules
    8. Packages in Python
    9. Import-related module attributes (__name__, __file__)
  15. Notable Standard Library Modules1

  16. The Python process and OS services1

  17. Using the file-system2

  18. Date and Time support2

  19. Parsing various file formats3

    1. Parse CSV
    2. Parse JSON
    3. Parse XML
  20. Web Scrapping with Python4

  21. Web Programming: Django and Flask2

  22. Databases: SQLalchemy2

  23. Final Test: check what you've learned1

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