Installing Python Packages - the safe way

PIP - the Python Package Manager

Python has a strong community which releases lot's of modules(packages), which you can use for free and focus on "get job done", instead of reinventing the wheel.
pip is the tool for installing Python packages from PyPI (Python Package Index)
Note, that by using pip, a package will be installed in your system's python distribution.

pip basic commands

get help on pip:
pip help
list installed packages:
pip list
install a package from PyPI:
pip install package_name
uninstall a package
pip uninstall package_name
list outdated packages:
pip list --outdated
upgrade a package:
pip install --upgrade SomePackage

More readings

pip - The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.
PyPI - the Python Package Index

Python Virtual Environments with Pipenv

Virtual environment - Why?

Python apps usually depends on many modules(packages), which depends on other packages, and very often - from a specific version of a package.
Many system tools also depends on specific versions of installed Python packages.
You don't want to pollute your system's Python environment!

Virtual environment - What?

Virtual environments create an isolated Python environment for your project.
Keep workflows between projects independent.
Keeps dependency hell away.
There are many tools for working with virtual environments in Python (virtualenv, pyenv, venv, virtualenvwrapper)

Pipenv - What?

A dependency and virtual environments manager combined into one.
Automatically creates and manages a virtualenv for your projects.
The officially recommended Python packaging tool
Functionally similar to npm and other modern package managers.

Pipenv - Install

			$ pip install --user pipenv

Pipenv - manage virtualenv

				### Create virtualenv with system Python3:
				$ pipenv --three
				Creating a virtualenv for this project…

				### Spawn a shell within the virtualenv
				$ pipenv shell
				Spawning environment shell...				

				### Exit the virtualenv
				(course_intro-SmgljMaj) $ exit

				### Output virtualenv information
				$ pipenv --venv

				### Remove the virtualenv
				$ pipenv --rm
				Removing virtualenv...


Pipenv - manage packages for your project

			### install requests package and create a virenv, if there is no one
			$ pipenv install requests
			Installing requests…

			### remove package
			$ pipenv uninstall requests
			Uninstalling requests-2.18.4

List as a graph the installed packages for the given virtualenv

			$ pipenv graph

Use the installed module in your program

Create a file
Write in it:

				import requests

				response = requests.get('')

				print('Your IP is {0}'.format(response.json()['origin']))
Execute your program within the pipenv shell:

				(course_intro-SmgljMaj) $ python

Exit the virtual environment


Or type ctrl-d

Or close your terminal windows :)

Useful video

Intro to Pipenv - A Package Manager for Python by Pretty Printed

Useful video

Pipenv - a talk at the San Diego Python meetup on October 26, 2017 by San Diego Python

Useful video

Install Python, PIP, Virtualenv, and Django on Windows 10 with PowerShell by CodingEntrepreneurs

pipenv - example: simple_plot with matplotlib

Create the file

create the file "" in your project root folder.
Enter in it the code bellow:

			import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
			import numpy as np

			t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
			s = 1 + np.sin(2*np.pi*t)
			plt.plot(t, s)

			plt.xlabel('time (s)')
			plt.ylabel('voltage (mV)')
			plt.title('About as simple as it gets, folks')

example from:

Prepare terminal

Open a terminal window and navigate to your project root folder.
Make sure you are in it:

			# navigate...
			$ cd your/project/root/folder

			# make sure you are in it - get your current working directory:
			$ pwd

Run the program

try to run the program

			$ python
			Traceback (most recent call last):
			  File "", line 1, in <module>
			    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
			ImportError: No module named matplotlib.pyplot

Yes, an error occurs, because we do not have the required module (matplotlib) installed

Install dependencies in a virtual environment

We will install the required modules in a safe virtual environment by pipenv!

			# install packages safely with pipenv:
			$ pipenv install matplotlib
			Creating a virtualenv for this project…
			To activate this project`s virtualenv, run the following
			  $ pipenv shell

Activate the virtual environment

				$ pipenv shel
				  Spawning environment shell...

Run the program within the virtual environment

Run the program:

It should run now - a windows with simple plots wil be opened:

All the steps in a gif

pipenv with VS Code

Get the virtual environment's python path:

				# navigate to project folder			
				$ cd your/root/project/folder

				# get into pipenv shell
				$ pipenv shell
				(my_project-hUoR8K1v) $

				# get python path and copy it
				(my_project-hUoR8K1v) $ which python

Set the virtual environment's python path for vs code

Open VS Code project workspace settings.
ctrl+shift+p and find Preferences: Open Workspace Settings
search for python.pythonPath in left panel
click "edit" icon and "copy to settings"
in the right panel paste the pipenv venv path into the "python.pythonPath" value

Workspace settings after the change

Your workspace settings should look like:

					"folders": [
							"path": "."
					"settings": {
						"python.pythonPath": "/home/nemsys/.local/share/virtualenvs/my_project-hUoR8K1v/bin/python"

Run the program

Right click on the editor area and select "Run Python File in Terminal "

pipenv with VS Code - as gif


simple_plot with matplotlib

Look again at the "Example: simple_plot with matplotlib" and repeat the steps on your machine, such that the program "" will run without errors

These slides are based on

customised version of

Hakimel's reveal.js
